Hi everybody! Are you enjoying our movies? We hope so...and to celebrate the birth of WIDESCREEN MOVIES we would like to make a list with the best of the best of 2010 movies! Yes, we know it's a hard, hard work...but someone has to do it, isn'it? lol...
Anyway, this is an open discussion...and that means that we want your opinion! So please send us your personal list, we will compare them all and we will finally make THE LIST of the 10 must see movie of 2010!!! And that's not all...we will celebrate it with a 10 MSM 2010 day! You absolutely can't miss it...
So here it goes our personal list:
- The Social Network (D. Fincher)
- Buried (R. Cortés)
- Even The Rain (I. Bollaín)
- Inception (C. Nolan)
- Winter's Bone (D. Granik)
- Hereafter (C. Eastwood)
- True Grit (Ethan and Joel Coen)
- The King's Speech (T. Hooper)
- Of Gods and Men (X. Beauvois)
- Two Lovers (J. Gray)
Damn it! It was soooo hard!!!
Waiting for yours!!!
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